Saturday, March 24, 2018

Who Really was Father Luigi Villa?

                      Father Luigi Villa was responsible for delaying the beatification of Paul VI

By Dr. Franco Adessa

One might not even attempt to understand who, in fact, Father Luigi Villa was without taking into account the words spoken by Pius XII to his Pro Secretary of State, Cardinal Domenico:

 "Tell Monsignor Biambattista Bosio I approve the assignment entrusted to Father Luigi Villa from Padre Pio. The assignment was to weed out the Freemasons who had infiltrated the hierarchy."

  Padre Pio himself had summoned the young priest to his room, while he was visiting at San Giovanni Rotundo.  He greeted him with these words:  "I have been waiting a long time to see you." A very surprised Father Villa said, after hearing of the mission which Padre Pio was entrusting him with, said:  "First I must ask the Pope."

"I grant him a papal mandate" said Pope Pius XII.    First he must earn a degree in Dogmatic Theology and he must be entrusted to the Cardinals Alfredo Ottaviani, Pietro Palazzina and Pietro Parente.  Also tell Monsignor Bosio that:"
"In the history of the Church ... this is the first time that such a task has been entrusted to a young priest.  And also tell him that it will be the last!"

Father Villa is the author of the book:  Pope Paul VI  beatified?  

He is responsible for delaying the beatification of Pope Pope Paul VI until after his own death. His entire life was a white martyrdom.

When the Cardinals read his book, some sent it back with torn pages, some with writing on the pages .The book proved beyond the shadow of a doubt that Pope Paul VI was not endowed with the 'heroic virtue' required for beatitude. They decided they could not beatify the Pope then, but, told Father Villa "We'll do it after you die"

And that is just what they did.  Shortly after Father Villa died, Paul VI was canonized.

Read the book, now that Canonization is looming in the near future.  You 'be the judge' as the current Pope says.

Friday, March 23, 2018

Father Jerzy Popieluszko Martyred by Communists in Poland 1984

Father Jerzy Popieluszko: Target of Socialists and their theophotic ideology of death and destruction.

By Theresa Marie Moreau

Polish Roman Catholic Priest, Father Jerzy Popieluszko dared to align himself with the solidarity movement in Communist ruled Poland.

As a result he became a target of the Socialists and their theophobic ideology of death and destruction.

The Communist secret police plotted to kill him in a staged car accident, on October 13, 1984, but he avoided it.

However, another plan was successful.

Three secret policemen pretended to have car problems on October 19, 1984, flagged down the Priest and grabbed him when he stopped.

Captain Grzegorz Piotrowski, Leszek Pekala and Waldemar Chmielewski beat the priest, tied him up, tossed him into the trunk, and, then attached a stone to his feet before they pushed him into the Vistula Water Reservoir.

His body was recovered on October 29, 1984.

This most popular Priest, known for his spiritually uplifting homilies, was mourned by a million people at his funeral.  It was during the time of grief in Poland when  Communist forces had swept into the land and extinguished the lives of more than a million families, causing death and destruction of Catholic properties in a monumental land made holy with the grace of God ... Its 'masses' were devoted to the Immaculate Mary. 

Viva Cristo Rey!   Niech Zyje Christus Krol!

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Hitler Was A Socialist by Theresa Marie Moreau

"One weak argument pushed by the uneducated leftists is that Hitler couldn't have been a Socialist because he targeted Socialists.

 Anyone who knows anything about Socialism knows that Socialists use the 'power struggle' against enemies, including other Socialists.  This plays a major factor in their control and reign of power.

Examples:  Stalin targeted Trotsky.  Mao targeted Liu.  Etc.

It's important to note that in the concentration camps, each Socialist had to wear a red triangle badge to designate their Socialist status ... alongside Communists and Social Democrats.

Hitler had many other enemies too, however, such as Jewish people, Protestant Ministers, as we know.

Also ... Hitler, an extreme left winger, was a typical Socialist because he had no respect for life.  He pushed eugenics, euthanasia, murder, torture, starvation, abortion, medical testing, etc.

Everyone knows that extreme right wingers are pro life fanatics.

And why did Hitler target Catholics?  Because they were moral enemies.  The moral conscience of the masses, and Socialists had to "liquidate" such people so that the Socialist could control the thinking of the masses.

So, it is no surprise that there was a Priest Baracks in Dachau Concentration Camp from December 1949 until Liberation in 1945.

In Dachau, an extermination camp in the south of Germany, the Polist people made up the largest ethnic group in the Concentration camp and the largest proportion of those prisoners were in the Priest Barracks ... mostly Block 28.  This is not surprising because Poland, a Catholic natiion, had been 87.4 % Catholic prior to the Second World War, as noted in the 1934 edition of the World Almanac and Book of Facts reporting on the December 9, 1931 census.

The clergy of Poland, despite their tortures, stood firm in their faith and remained loyal to Christ and to Church and to Pope

The above Photo shows Priests lined up in Dachau ... with their triangle badges designating their status.

Friday, March 16, 2018

Pius XII Deceived By His Sec. of State Monsignor Montini About China

On November 1, 1954, Pope Pius XII removed Monsignor Montini as the Secretary of State.  Why?

From the Book:   Paul VI Beatified?  By Father Luigi Villa, Th.D

"It was 1954.  Illness and old age were exacting their toll on Pope Pius XII.  Yet another grave problem was to burden him.  Colonel Arnauld, of the French Deuxieme Bureau, the Brigadier General for the Intelligence Service, and Pius XII's 'James Bond' !

He was to figure closely in the life of the Pope as his problems mounted.

At the end of the war,Colonel Arnauld had left the British and resumed his post within the ranks of the French Secret Service.  It was then, shortly after the armistice, that the 'Quai d' Orsay (French Foreign Ministry) entrusted him with a mission to Pope Pius XII to ask him to expel from their diocese twenty two Bishops whom Charles De Gaulle's government held responsible for having favored Marshal Petain's regime.  Having given the request of his government, he was received by the Pope "very coldly"

Pius asked him, as he wanted to know, "the personal judgment of the Ambassador , of the Catholic officer whose sister is Mother Superior of a Convent in Rome" Pius was giving a lesson ... about scandalizing others without checking for the truth ...

The Colonel bade for time in order to study the dossier of the twenty two Bishops.

When he returned to Rome, he manifested his judgment on the case.  Pius XII concurred with his judgment and had only two Bishops removed from France ... refusing to "punish the others."

Shortly after, Colonel Arnauld resigned from the Deuxienne Bureau.  Pius XII, having got wind of it, summoned him to Rome and asked him to become his personal agent, answering only to him, because ... he said   "A diplomat must stick to some rules and be very prudent, unlike an agent."

The Colonel took on the offer, and, took an oath to the Pontiff.  He then set off on his new mission.

During a tour in the East, he entered into a relationship with the Lutheran Bishop of Uppsala, Primate of Sweden, Brilioth,  who, holding Pius in great esteem, did not hesitate to lend him precious services ... such as helping out members of the Clergy held in detention, and the stealthy introduction of Bibles into Russia, etc.

In the course of one of these meetings (toward the summer of 1954), Bishop Brilioth suddenly said to the Colonel:

'The Swedish authorities are perfectly aware of the Vatican's relations with the Soviets.'

The Colonel promptly decided to question Pius XII once he returned from his mission.

 Once back in Italy he questioned the Holy Father, who was quite astonished by this statement.  He asked the Colonel to tell Bishop  Brilioth that the Vatican had no relations with the Soviets.

But when Colonel Arnauld returned to Sweden the Archbishop of Uppsala reiterated to him what he had said before, begging him to get back to him, as soon as he completed his new mission.

The Colonel accepted the mission, and, went to see the Archbishop.

Bishop  Brilioth then handed him a sealed envelope, addressed to Pius XII.  He begged him to put it directly into the hands of the Pope ensuring that no on else in the Vatican knew about it..

All that Bishop Brilioth told the Colonel was "This envelope contains the EVIDENCE of the relations the Vatican has with the Soviets..No more ...

Once in Rome, the Colonel handed the envelope over to Pius XII, who read it in his presence, as the  color drained from his face.

In brief:  the last official text was signed by the pro Secretary of State Monsignor Montini,  bearing the date of September 23, 2954.

On November 1, 1954, Pius XII removed Monsignor Montini as the Secretary of State.

The information contained therein was about the disastrous fall of 1954 (in China), and,  Pius XII discovered that his pro-Secretary of State Montini "had kept from him all communications relating to the schism of the Chinese Bishops."

The case of the Chinese Bishops was growing worse.

This fact that Monsignor Montini had been removed as Secretary of State, since he had fallen into disgrace with Pius XII (whom he betrayed), was also admitted by Jean Guitton in his book:  'Paul VI Secret' wherein he writes:  "No one ever knew, nor will ever know why Pius XII, having made him Arehbishop of Milan, had not made him a Cardinal ... which took away from him the possibility of becoming Pope.  (Pontifical Documents:  1954;  p.407-417

 Jean Guitton had no knowledge of the "betrayal" of his friend, Monsignor Giovanni Montini.

Colonel Arnaud had said:  'Montini had already a policy of his own, which was not that of the reigning Pope.  That policy, today, is official, and goes by the name of 'Vatican Ostopolitic'

And it is truly so.  That is why we talk about it here, as well as for the reason that I could personally verify the truth of Pius XII's heavy action toward his closest collaborator, through a personal meeting with General G. Leconte, of the French Secret Service.

I was introduced to him by another agent of the Secret Services, Officer Masmay, whose guest I was, at his home, many times.  Now, the General spoke to me, at first, of many things relating to the present day Church as, for example that the Father of Cardinal Danielou was a Freemason of the Grand Orient, and that when he became Minister of National Education, it was he who imposed the secularization of the schools.

To my query if also Cardinal Danielou was a Freemason, he replied:  'That same question I asked a friend of mine and he hung up on the phone.'

He then went on to inform me about many other high Prelates and some Jesuits who were Freemasons, primarily of Freemason Cardinal Villot (French Secret Service had already informed me of this) He told me that Villot's parents were both Freemasons of the Rosicrucian.  And he told me of an episode, recounted to him by the very Officer subject of the fact.  After more confidences on persons of the Catholic Hierarchy and other Jesuits, he suddenly asked me this question:  'Do you believe that Montini is a Freemason too?  And without waiting for me to answer he handed me a book by Carlo Falconi  'Vue et Entenda au Concille'  Seen and Heard at The Councill.  It was published before Montini became Pope, and he showed me a  'passage' of the book on page 69, on which is said that 'big 33 of Freemasonry assured that even Montini 'serat inscrit dans un Loge maconnique (would be included in a Masonic Lodge)

At last he recounted to me the story of the removal of Monsignor Montini as Secretary of State by Pius XII, as he was really working for Russia, unbknownst to the Pope, and therefore, in betrayal of him.

It is a fact that Montini, while Pius XII was still living, never set a foot in the Vatican"

Paul VI:  Beatified?   Father Luigi Villa Th.D

Father Luigi Villa was commissioned by Padrre Pio to be an investigator of Freemasonry within the ranks of the Vatican Hierarchy.  He could hardly believe his ears when he was told this by the Sainted Priest.  He went to Pope Pius XII, who agreed with Padre Pio ... much to the astonishment of Father Villa.  Pope Pius XII told him he must get his degree in Theology and that Cardinals Ottaviani, Parente, and Pelazzini would be his 'guardian angels' throughout.

The story of Father Luigi Villa is told in full on :

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Communist Concentration Camps in Albania: CIA Documentary 1951

In 1951 There Were Twelve Known Concentration Camps in Albania. The largest is Tepelene.  The highest death rate is among the children. The Camp Commander is Lt. Dzafar (Xhuste?) Pegaci.  "He is an ignorant villain and tyrant who has forcibly raped women and children."  Survivors

In additiion to 18 prisons, there are 12 known concentrationscamps in Albania, located in Tepelete, Beden Maliq, Berat, Vrma Suti, Tropoje, Kruje, Vilijas, (Vile? Vilash?), Shkoder, Himare, Korce, and Isul.

There are 3,600 internees in the Tepelene camp, which was established in the beginning of 1949 and is the oldest and largest in Albania, and 2,000 in the Beden camp in Kavaje.  About 70 percent of the internees in Tepelene are women and children. The highest death rate is among the children.  The following (Xherzhe?) from Ljohe, and the three children of Djuste (Xhuste?) Goraj, who were 10 years , y years, and 6 months old.

"The camp commandant is Lt. Dzafar (Xhafar?) Pegaci.  He is an ignorant villain and tyrant who has forcibgly raped young and pretty women who have refused to become intimate with him.  He loves to see children die."

The internees in the Tepelene camp sleep in four rows of double-deck wooden beds.  Families are not separated.  The building has no garret (no insulation between the ceiling and roof?)  The camp provides a wooden bed and a small piece of soap monthly.  The daily food consists of tea for breakfast and warm broth and 650 grams of bread for lunch and dinner.  No bedding of any kind, clothing, footwear, or other food is furnished.  Nothing additional is given to even youngest children.

It is difficult to maintain cleanliness in the camp, for internees are not given brooms but must clean with branches.  The camp is infested with vermin. An excessive number of internees are ill because of poor food, filth, vermin and hard physical labor;  tuberculosis is a very widespread disease.  Many die because of illness;  most deaths are among children and adult males.  The children die because of low resistance to disease and adult males because of exhaustion from slave labor.

The camp does not have a regular doctor.  One doctor makes visits irregularly, another comes once monthly or once weekly and then only examines the dead. Only those who are the point of death are sent to the hospital in Gjinokaster.  There is no emergency medical service.  More than 50 persons died in the first half of 1951.

Both males and femals in the camp work without pay through the years, in all kinds of weather, even on Sundays.  They work on the railroad at Elbasan and on constructing the railroad in Vlore.

They cut wood in the mountains near Tepelene and do various construction jobs in Vlore.  They cut wood in the mountains near Tepelene and do various construction jobs in the camp itself.  Work quotas are set.  In forestry, the quota calls for the cutting and stacking of cubic meter of wood (per work day?).  A man's job is finished only when his quota is fulfilled, which means that the weak must work longer hours, including at night.

The Albanian concentration camps in Isul, on the Fort's Palermo's penninsula, and Cepi Panormos are old Turkish fortresses with very thick walls and small windows.  The interiors, including the floors, are of stone.

In the semi darkness of the Isul fortress, internees are exposed to the elements  (walls are rain soaked and constantly damp), and many become sick, especially with eye trouble.  Work lasts from 12 to 16 hours, and the guards carry whips.  The internees generally do not get fresh water but must drink from a ditch, which is also used as a urinal and a footbath.  Up to November 1950, there were 200 Albanians, four Yugoslavs, two Italians, and on Greek in the camp.  

For some unknown reason, they were transferred to Telepelene.  It is not known what is in the fortress now.

There is considerable sickness in the Beden camp, located in a swamp in Kavaje.  Tuberculosis is the most prevalent disease.  The camp commandant has established special turerculosis brigades of 80 men each, who are forced to work, although many of them frequently die while at work.  Iso elot from Shkoder died in this manner.  This is all part of a deliberate plan, as was show in a lecture given by the camp commandant.  He said internees were in the camp as enemies of the government and must die there.

Death is the ultimate end for all.  Slightly more than 2 years ago, Jak Marko, a policeman, killed Zef Kolj Prencija, president of the youth organization for the Burbullush region.  The following day, Metus Bogo, a state security officer from Shkoder, praised the killer at a people's meeting.  The reason given for the killing was the victim's sympathy toward Yugoslavia.

The authorities also killed Sokola Bajrama, member of the Albanian Communist Party. for saying at a party meeting that all of the clamor against Yugoslavia was untrue

Sokola Bajrama had said that all of the clamor against Yugoslavia was untrue. 

During Enver Xoxha's dictatorship, more than 50,000 were imprisoned, interned, shot or hanged.

In the 12 minute documentary below, former political prisoners tell what and how it all happened:

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Methodius: Concerning Chastity

Apocalypse 8:2;4  "The unbloody altar of God" signifies the assembly of the chaste;  thus virginity appears to be something great and glorious."
Words for the Youth from Methodius:
"Chastity requires strong and generous natures and it is like vaulting over the stream of pleasure and directing the chariot of the soul upwards from the earth, not turning aside your aim until having, by swiftness of thought, lightly bounded above the world, and taken your stand upon the vault of heaven."

"Nothing can so profit a man with respect to moral excellence as chastity;  chastity alone accomplishes and brings it about that the soul should be governed in the noblest and best way, and should be set free, pure from the stains and pollutions of the world.

For this reason , when Christ taught us to cultivate it, and showed us its unsurpassable beauty, the kingdom of the Evil One was destroyed, who for a time had led captive,  and  then enslaved the whole race of men, so that none of the more ancient people pleased the Lord.

At that time the law was not of itself sufficient to free the human race from corruption, until virginity, succeeding the law, governed men by the precepts of Christ.

The first men had run headlong into combats and slaughter ... into lust and idolatry.  The righteousness of that law had been insufficient for salvation.  They were truly confused by great and frequent calamities.

From the time when Christ became incarnate, and armed and adorned His flesh with virginity, the savage tyrant who was master of incontinence was taken away, and peace and faith began to have dominion.

Men no longer turned as much as before to idolatry.

By a great stretch of power the plant of virginity was sent down to men from heaven.  It was not revealed to the first generations of humanity.

The reason for this was because the race of mankind was still very small in number; and it was necessary that it should first be increased in number, and then brought to perfection.

Therefore the men of old times thought it nothing unseemly to take their own sisters for wives, until the new law, which was coming from God, separated them, and by forbidding that which at first had seemed to be right ... declared it to be a sin, calling that man cursed who should "uncover the nakedness" of his sister.

God thus mercifully brought to our race the needful help in due season, as parents do to their children.  Parents do not at once set masters over them, but allow them, during the period of childhood, to amuse themselves like young animals, and first send them to teachers stammering like themselves.

When they have cast off the youthful wool of the mind, then they are ready to go onwards to the practice of greater things, and from thence again to that of greater still.

Thus we must consider that this was the way that the God and Father of all acted towards our forefathers.   The world, still unfilled with men, was like a child and it was necessary that it should first be filled with these, and so grow to manhood.  But when, hereafter it was colonized from end to end, the race of man spreading to a boundless extent, God no longer allowed man to remain in the same ways, considering how they might now proceed from one point to another, and advance nearer to heaven.

Then would come the very greatest and most exalted lesson of virginity from  which they could reach perfection:

First they learned to abandon the intermarriage of brothers and sisters, and marry wives, like brute beasts, as though born for the mere propagation of the species;  and then that they should not be adulterers;  and then again that they should go on to continence, and from continence to virginity, when having trained themselves to despise the flesh, they sail fearlessly into the peaceful haven of immortality.

St. Paul, when summoning all persons to sanctification and purity, referred to that which had been spoken concerning the first man and Eve.  He referred it, in a secondary sense, to Christ and the Church, in order to silence the ignorant, now deprived of all excuses.   
Words For Priests From Methodius:
 "Go then, ye virgin band of the new ages"

Moreover ... it has been handed down that the unbloody altar of God (Apocalypse 8:2-4) signifies the assembly of the chaste;  thus virginity appears to be something great and glorious. Therefore it ought to be preserved undefiled and altogether pure, having no participation in the impurities of the flesh; but it should be set up before the presence of the testimony, gilded with wisdom, for the Holy of Holies, sending forth a sweet savour of love to the Lord, for He says:  "Thou shalt make an altar to burn incense upon: of shittim wood shalt thou make it.  And thou shall make the staves of shittim wood, and overlay them with gold.

 And thou shalt put it before the veil .. that is by the ark of the testimony ... before the mercy-seat that is over the testimony, where I will meet with thee.  And Aaron shall burn thereon sweet incense every morning:  when he dresseth the lamps ... he shall burn incense upon it.  And when Aaron lighteth the lamps at even, he shall burn incense upo it:  a perpetual incense before the Lord throughout  generations.  Ye shall offer no strange incense thereon, nor burnt-sacrifices nor meat offering:  neither shall ye pour drink-offering thereon.  "Go then, ye virgin band of the new ages.   Go, fill your vessels with righteousness, for the hour is coming when ye must rise and meet the bridgefroom.

Go, lightly leaving on one side the fascinations and the pleasures of life, which confuse and bewitch the soul:  and thus shall ye attain the promises "This I swear by Him who has shown me the way of life."   Methodius

From: Writings of Methodius:  The Banquet of the Ten Virgins, or, Concerning Chastity                                  Translated by Rev. William R. Clark, M.A.  Vicar of St. Mary Magdelen  Taunton

Who Really was Father Luigi Villa?

                      Father Luigi Villa was responsible for delaying the beatification of Paul VI By Dr. Franco Adessa One might no...