10/18/2017 Xi Juanping speaks at the nineteenth Congress of the Chinese Communist Party
Pope Francis "follows the Church in China with special attention" is a quote from what he wrote in a public statement read Jan. 31, 2018. He said there are those who "foster confusion about the matter" in apparent reference to the remarks of Cardinal Zen, Emeritus Bishop of Hong Kong, 88, who had been pleading for help from the Pontiff for the Underground Catholic Church in China, which suffers horrendously from government persecution.
Therefore, Pope Francis must be aware of the following points given in the speech of Xi Jianping:
Insisting on hastening the direction of sinicization of all religions, Secretary JinPing stressed that such a vision be followed by all. All religions are to follow the leadership of the Communist Party. This thought of Xi JuanPing is expected to become dogma in the Party. Secretary Xi Juanping's speech lasted three and one half hours and included the following four points, which are summarized. We Chat Religion (We Chat Platform) Oct. 18
Summary of Four Points of Sec. General Xi JuanPine
1. To actively develop Social Democracy, which is fully launched. To unite the patriotic front with ethnic and religious work which has been innovated and promoted.
2. "One Country-Two Systems" - "The unification of the Motherland" All are to make Socialism with Chinese Characteristics better adhered to
3. We will fully implement the party's basic guidelines for religious work We will adhere to the concept of sinicization of our religion and actively guide religions to adapt to Socialism.
4. We must prevent and resolutely crack down on various types of infiltration, subversive and sabotage activities, violent and terrorist activities, ethnic separatism and religious extremism.
WeChat Religion (WeChat Platform)
As Pope Francis "follows the Church in China closely" he must be aware of these words and in agreement on the 'principle of sinicization'
Otherwise we would hear words of Papal support for Cardinal Zen, and, the Pope's, and our, suffering brothers and sisters in China.
For Stories of the Suffering in China, including American Priests and Sisters who have gone there in the past read the books by Theresa Marie Moreau. She has put many true stories on her website in entirety for you to read. Things are the same now as they were then ... Communism did not fall with the Berlin Wall. (marysong)
For Theresa Marie Moreau

Maybe Fatima was in the mind of God at the beginning for the plan of our salvation. In Paradise He promised the serpent (the devil): "I will put enmity between you and the woman; between your seed and her seed ..." This blog is about the bad seeds of the enmity, geopolitics, and the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart in the end.
Wednesday, January 31, 2018
Monday, January 29, 2018
Chinese Sec. General Xi Jianping and Vatican To Sinicize Catholic Church
Sinicization: All religions will uphold an independent principle and follow the leadership of the Communist Party. http://www.asianews.it/vatican asks legitimate Bishops to step aside in favour of illegitamate ones.
Last December Msgr. Peter Zhuang Jianjian of Shanhou (Guangdong) was forced to go to Beijing where a "foreign prelate" from the Vatican asked him to leave his See. He was to be replaced by illicit Patriotic Church Bishop Joseph Huang Bingzhang. He had received the same request last October.
Guangzhou (Asia News) The Holy See has asked Bishop Peter Zhuang Jianjian of Shantou in southern Guandong province to retire in order to be replaced by an illicit Bishop.
Another Vatican appointed Bishop was asked to downgrade himself as the Assistant of an illicit Bishop.
This is the second time in three months that the Holy See made the resignation demand on Bishop Zhuang, who was secretly ordained in 2006, with Vatican approval. However, he is only recognized as a priest by the Chinese government.
On the other hand, the Chinese government is in full support of the excommunicated Bishop Huang Bingzhang, a long time member in the National People's Congress which is China's parliament.
A letter dated 26 October demanded the 88 year old Bishop to resign to give way to the excommunicated Bishop whom the Holy See is going to recognize.
Bishop Zhuang, at that time, refused to obey and said he would rather "carry his cross" for being disobedient a church source in Guangdong who asked not to be named told Asia News.
In the latest incident Bishop Zhuang was escorted to Beijing 18-22 December from his southern diocese to meet senior officials from the central government and a delegation from the Vatican, according to the church source.
Before the trip, the officials began to monitor Bishop Zhuang on 11 December. Know that the bishop was in poor health, and that the weather in Beijing was freezing, they still rejected his request not to go to northern China, and, sent a Doctor along. A total of seven local government officials went along with Bishop Zhuang and no priest was allowed to follow him the source said.
Staying at the Hugyosi Hotel in Beijing, Bishop Zhuang was taken sightseeing on 19 December and then to the headquarters of the Chinese Catholic Patriot Association (CCPA) and the Bishops conference the next day. Here he met with Bishops Ma Yinglin, shen Bin and Guo Jincai, the President, Vice President, and, Secretary General of the Bishops Conference respectively, the source continued.
The CCPA and Bishops' conference, as well as Ma and Guo, two illicit Bishops, are not yet recognized by the Holy See.
On Dec21, Bishop Zhuang was taken to the Diaoyutal State Guesthouse. He was first greeted by three officials from the State Administration for Religious Affairs. Then he was led by Father Huang Baoguo, a chinese priest who is serving at the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, to meet with a foreign Bishop and three foreign priests from the Vatican.
The foreign Bishop explained the aim of their travel to China. It was to accomplish reaching an understanding with the Chinese government, and, to let Bishop Huang become the legitimate Bishop of the Diocese the source said.
The Holy See delegation demanded that Bishop zhuang retire as he was asked in the letter dated October 26. There was one added term which was supposed to console the elderly Bishop.
He could nominate three priests for Bishop Huang to pick one as his vicar general the source said.
"Bishop Zhuang could not help his tears on hearing the demand" the source said, adding that "it was meaningless to appoint a vicar general, who is still a priest, that Bishop Huang could remove at anytime.
Some Bishops in Southern China opposed the idea of hastily recognizing Bishop Huang, who was officially excommunicated by the Holy See in 2011 for having received illicit episcopal ordination without papal mandate. "I did not know the outcome but this is a bad solution" he said.
Asia News also asked the Vatican for confirmation of the situation in shantou. A representive familiair withthe China dossier said that the letter Msgr. Zhuang received was just a request for opinion on the illicit Bishop Msgr Huang.
Another figure has kept silent. Cardinal Joseph Zen, Bishop Emeritus of Hong Kong.
Cardinal Zen confirmed the information obtained by Asia News.
Wednesday, January 24, 2018
What Are We To Think of The Divine Mercy Devotion?
The true image of God's mercy is the Sacred Heart of Jesus, pierced with a lance, crowned with thorns, dripping precious blood.
"Many people have certainly received graces from the devotion to Divine Mercy propagated by Saint Faustina, and her personal piety was certainly most exemplary. However, this does not necessarily mean that this devotion is from God.
It is true that Pope John Paul II promoted this devotion, that it was through his efforts that the prohibition was lifted on April 15, 1978, and that he even introduced a feast of Divine Mercy into the Novus Ordo.
It is true that Pope John Paul II promoted this devotion, that it was through his efforts that the prohibition was lifted on April 15, 1978, and that he even introduced a feast of Divine Mercy into the Novus Ordo.
However, the fact that good and pious people receive graces and that Sister Faustina was pious do not necessarily mean that it is from heaven.
In fact, it was not only not approved before Vatican II. It was condemned. And this, despite the fact that the prayers themselves of the chaplet of Divine Mercy are orthodox.
In fact, it was not only not approved before Vatican II. It was condemned. And this, despite the fact that the prayers themselves of the chaplet of Divine Mercy are orthodox.
It was condemned by the Holy Office.
There were two decrees from Rome on this question, both in the time of Pope John XXIII. The Supreme Congregation of the Holy Office, in a plenary meeting held on November19, 1958 made the following decisions:
The supernatural nature of the revelations made to Sister Faustina is not evident.
No feast of Divine Mercy is to be instituted
It is forbidden to divulge images and writings that propagate this devotion under the form received by Sister Faustina.
The Second Decree of the Holy Office was on March 6,1959, in which the following was established:
The diffusion of images and writings promoting the devotion to Divine Mercy under the form proposed by the same Sister Faustina was forbidden.
The prudence of the Bishops is to judge as to the removal of the aforesaid images that are already displayed for public honor.
What was it about this devotion that prevented the Holy Office from acknowledging its Divine origin? The decrees do not say, but it seems that the reason lies in the fact that there is so much emphasis on God's mercy as to exclude His justice.
Our sins and the gravity of the offense that they inflict on God is pushed aside as being of little consequence. That is why the aspect of reparation for sin is omitted or obscured.
Our sins and the gravity of the offense that they inflict on God is pushed aside as being of little consequence. That is why the aspect of reparation for sin is omitted or obscured.
The true image of God's mercy is the Sacred Heart of Jesus, pierced with a lance, crowned with thorns, dripping precious blood. The Sacred Heart calls for a devotion of reparation, as the Popes have always requested. However, this is not the case with the Divine Mercy devotion.
The image has no heart. It is a Sacred Heart without a heart, without reparation, without the price of our sins being clearly evident.
The image has no heart. It is a Sacred Heart without a heart, without reparation, without the price of our sins being clearly evident.
It is this that makes the devotion very incomplete and makes us suspicious of its supernatural origin, regardless of Sister Faustina's own good intentions and personal holiness. The absence of the need for reparation for sins is manifest in the strange promise of freedom from all the temporal punishment due to sin for those who observe the 3:00 PM Low Sunday devotions.
How could such a devotion be more powerful and better than a plenary indulgence, applying the extraordinary treasury of the merits of the saints?
How could it not require as a condition that we perform a penitential work of our own?
How could it not require the detachment from even venial sin that is necessary to obtain a plenary indulgence?
There is presumption in the Writings of Sister Faustina.
The published Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalski (Marian Press, Stockbridge, MA 2007) also indicates several reasons to seriously question the supernatural origin of the more than 640 pages of voluminous and repeated apparitions and messages.
The characteristic of any true mystic, who has received supernatural graces is always a profound humility, sense of unworthiness, awareness and profession of the gravity of his sins.
The characteristic of any true mystic, who has received supernatural graces is always a profound humility, sense of unworthiness, awareness and profession of the gravity of his sins.
Yet, this humility is strangely lacking in Sister Faustina's diary. On October 2, 1936, for example, she states that the "Lord Jesus" spoke these words to her: "Now I know that it is not for the graces or gifts that you love me, but because My will is dearer to you than life. That is why I am uniting Myself with you so intimately as with no other creature. ((707, p.288)).
This gives every appearance of being a claim of being more united to Jesus than anybody else, even the Blessed Virgin Mary, and certainly more than all the other saints. What pride, to believe such an affirmation, let alone to assert that it came from heaven!
In April 1938, Sister Faustina read the canonization of St. Andrew Bobola and was filled with longing and tears that her congregation might have its own saint.
Then she affirms the following: "And the Lord Jesus said to me, Don't cry. You are that saint." ((1650, p. 583)) These are words that most certainly no true saint would affirm, but rather his sinfulness and unworthiness to his congregation.
Then she affirms the following: "And the Lord Jesus said to me, Don't cry. You are that saint." ((1650, p. 583)) These are words that most certainly no true saint would affirm, but rather his sinfulness and unworthiness to his congregation.
This presumption in her writings is not isolated. She praises herself on several occasions through the words supposedly uttered by Jesus. Listen to this interior locution, for example:
"Beloved pearl of my heart, I see your love so pure, purer than that of the angels, and all the more so because you keep fighting. For your sake I bless the world." ((1061, p. 400))
On May 23, 1937 she describes a vision of the Holy Trinity, after which she heard a voice saying: "Tell the Superior General to count on you as the most faithful daughter in the Order" ((1130, p.417)). It is consequently hardly surprising that Sister Faustina claimed to be exempt from the Particular and General Judgments. On February 4, 1935, she already claimed to hear this voice in her soul: "From today on, do not fear God's judgment, for you will not be judged" ((374 p. 168))
Add to this the preposterous affirmation that the host three time over jumped out of the tabernacle and placed itself in her hands ((44, p. 23)), so that she had to open up the tabernacle herself and place it back in there, tells the story of a presumption God's grace which goes beyond all reason, let alone as the action of a person supposedly favored with innumerable and repeated mystical and supernatural graces.
It is perhaps not accidental that Pope John Paul II promoted this devotion, for it is very much in line with his encyclical Dives In Misericordia.
In fact, the Paschal Mystery theology that he taught pushed aside all consideration of the gravity of sin and the need for penance, for satisfaction to Divine Justice, and hence of the Mass as being an expiatory sacrifice, and likewise the need to gain indulgences and to do works of penance. Since God is infinitely merciful and does not count our sins, all this is considered of no consequence. This is not the Catholic spirit.
In fact, the Paschal Mystery theology that he taught pushed aside all consideration of the gravity of sin and the need for penance, for satisfaction to Divine Justice, and hence of the Mass as being an expiatory sacrifice, and likewise the need to gain indulgences and to do works of penance. Since God is infinitely merciful and does not count our sins, all this is considered of no consequence. This is not the Catholic spirit.
We must make reparation for our sins and for the sins of the whole world, as the Sacred Heart repeatedly asked at Paray-Le-Monial. It is the renewal of our consecration to the Sacred Heart and frequent holy hours of reparation that is going to bring about the conversion of sinners.
It is in this way that we can cooperate in bringing about His Kingdom of Merciful Love, because it is the perfect recognition of the infinite holiness of the Divine Majesty and complete submission to His rightful demands.
It is in this way that we can cooperate in bringing about His Kingdom of Merciful Love, because it is the perfect recognition of the infinite holiness of the Divine Majesty and complete submission to His rightful demands.
Mercy only means something when we understand the price of our Redemption."
Father Peter R. Scott
The Angelus
The Angelus
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