" ... not a few had a dual role as 'bishops' and priests' and uniformed officers of the KGB in whose wardrobe hung both a cassock and a uniform."
By: Stewart Davies Former KGB Lt. Col. Konstantin Preobrazhensky, who defected to the U.S. in 1993, is the author of two books: 'KGB/FSB's New Trojan Horse: Americans of Russian Descent and Russian Americans: A New KGB Asset
In his books he describes the grave concerns being felt by many Americans of Russian descent about the fact that, on May 17th, 2007, the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, (ROCOR), signed an Act of Canonical Community with the Moscow Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church.
ROCOR was originally esablished by White Russians who fled the Bolshevik Revolution and settled inAerica. These new concerns are founded on the known history of the Moscow Patriarchate: that it was founded by Stalin in 1943 forthe specific purpose of espionage, disinformation and subversion. All its appointees were selected by the KGB, many were card-carrying members of the Communist Party, and not a few had a dual role as 'bishops' and 'priests' and uniformed officers of the KGB, in whose wardrobes hung both cassocks and uniforms. What was worn on any given day was decided by which of their two roles they had to play.
All Bishops and most Priests were KGB agents and collaborators. The bishops were formally part of the nomenclature of the CKKPSS; (the Communist Party of the Soviet Union) and therefore had to be approved by the Ideological Depatemtne. The 'ecclesiastical merits' of a candidate didn't interest the ideological Department; on the contrary, they were hostile to such qualifications.
The fewer the merits, the better the candidate.
Registration as a bishop in the Counciol of Religious Affairs was granted after an 'interview' (interrogation?) with its chairman, Vladimir Kuroyedov, a KGB Lt. General. (Note: this also had to apply to Metropolitan Nikodim of the Moscow Patriarchate, who represented the Russian Orthodox Church, in other words, the KGB, in the signing of the infamous Metz agreement by which the Catholic Church agreed not to make any statement critical of the Soviet Union r Communism during Vatican II)
"Many people still remember that in the mid 70s the faithful would drive him out of the Moscow churches shouting: "Be gone, you heretic, you Catholic!" Rumors, which circulated in Metropolitan Nikodim's lifetime about him being a secret Catholic have been recently confirmed. This malicious ecumenis and enemy of Orthodoxy, who had celebrated Liturgy in St. Peter's Basilica in Rome had met his death in the arms of Pope John Paul I at the age of 49 on September 5, 1978.
He had longed for this audience with the Pope. When it came time for the audience, he was led to the seat beside Pope John Paul I. He immediately leaned toward him with a gesture of reverence and whispered some words. Next instant he was overwhelmed with a massive heart attack. Pope John Paul held him and admininistered the last rites of the Roman Catholic Church while he was taking his last breaths on this earth. When asked later what Nikodem had said to him, the Pope responded: "That is a secret. What he said were the most beautiful words I have ever heard about the Church. It was like a son to his father."From Ecumenism -Path To Perdition
John Paul I died under very mysterious circumstances within the same month. September 28, 1978 We will probably never have the answers to this puzzling situation until God decides ...marysong
Continuing with 'Spies In The Church' In 2014, the Russian Orthodox church, or, more accurately 'Head Office' - the Moscow Patriarchate, published a calendar 'honoring the memory' of .....Josef Stalin.
The collaboration of the Moscow Patriarchate with the FSB (that is, as an organ of the KGB/FSB, is not a thing of the past. According to Preobrazhensky, it continues to this day, and on a larger scale than ever before.
In Vladimir Putin's Russian Federation, the FSB superseded the KGB, (same beast with a different name), and it is more powerful than ever before. There is seemingly nowhere its tentacles cannot reach.
Priests of the Moscow Patriarchate are now placed in countries around the world, especailly in Arab, ie: Muslim countries where such 'priests' make up the entire clergy. This in no way perturbs the authorities in these countries since they know that they are not there to spread Christianity, but to fight against the hated West.
As a result of Putin's 'friendship' with the late North Korean despot Kim Jong-II in 2006 a Russian Orthodox Church, dedicated outwardly to the Holy Trinity, was opened in Pyongyang. In deeply communist N. Korea, any expression of religion, or even the suspicion of it, is a crime of crimes, punishable by imprisonment and torture. Yet Kim Jong-II was more than happy to set these considerations aside for his good friend and ally, Vladimir Putin. The building of the 'church' was largely financed by Russian money, but Kim Jong-II happily chipped in with $10000,000 from the coffers of his ravaged impoverished country.
In 2014 at least, (and possibly even now), there were North Korean 'students' studying at the Moscow Theological Academy. If they were really genuine and active Christian believers, they certainly would not have been granted exit visas so that they could go abroad and tell the world the awful truth about life in North Korea and the diabolical character of the regime currently in power there. They would be wasting away, and being tortured daily, in some inhumane North Korean prison. The only plausible explanation for their being permitted to 'study' in Moscow at the 'Theological Academy' is that they have been specially selected and sent there by the Ministry of State Security
Whatever they are studying, theology it ain't.
May we suppose that it was Kim Jong-II's intention, and now that of his evil successor, Kim Jong-Un, to emulate Josef Stalin in building an 'Orthodox Church' in the image of the Moscow Patriarchate as an organ of state security. If this is so, it was all made possible by Vladimir Putin's FSB, successor of the KGB.
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