Saturday, February 3, 2018

The Discarded ("Lost") Documents of VII: A Catastrophy: Read and Weep For China

                        It was planned in advance at a meeting in Metz, France.  Russian Orthodox 
                        and Protestant prelates drew up the spiritual future for Catholics, along 
                        with a few 'spies' as seen above.  These were detected and ejected. One
                        had a purple scarf for a sash.  The others' chain on his Crucifix was
                        too short.

It was one of those warm Roman days and the sky was a perfect blue with a bright sun sending streams of light through the open windows onto the long table where the Cardinals worked.  Voices were lifted now and then in question ... another in answer ... to break the atmosphere of intensity.

There was already a curtain of descending gloom, which seemed to be reflected in the Cardinals' very posture.  Cardinal Ottaviani worked feverishly, his pencil writing and crossing out as  voice lifted in a comment or a query.

The Final Document of their labor was titled 'On The Care of Souls With Regard to Christians Infected With Communism.  (De Cura Animarum Pro Christianis Communismo Infectis)

It was already a sure thing that this document would never pass before the eyes of the College of Cardinals and their Protestant periti, nor their Russian Orthodox invitees.

The 'Treat of Metz' assured this.  So dear was it to the heart of Pope John XIII to reunite the two lungs of the Church that he planned to invite the Russian Orthodox to 'listen in' on the council.

Whether or not 'Good Pope John' was part of the deception is not to be dealt with here.

The main gist here is to present highlights of the discarded (lost by Monsignor Glorieaux) documents.


There were three drafts of proposed declarations which sought to address the menace of communism, to prescribe a program to oppose it and to "shatter its audacity"  These documents and all similar proposals were discarded following the takeover of the council's commissions by the Bishops of the Rhine Group, a coalition of liberal prelates from Germany, France, and Holland, and their allies, who acted in a highly coordinated way to achieve their goals.

  ( has presented these lost schemas to the English speaking world in what they believe is their first translation from the Latin into the vernacular language)  Translations by
Matthew Cullinan Hoffman.

February 1962:  Approved by the Commission on Bishops and the Supervision of Dioceses

"In recent times, a danger has arisen that menaces the doctrine and activity of the Church, that is, atheistic Communism, whose specific purpose is to radically overturn the social order and to subfvert the foundations of Christian civilization"

"Seeking to bring about a new political order,' an association of men that expels God from the earth', atheistic Communism, like a new gospel and like a form of salvific redemption, preaches its message to all of humanity"


"As the lamentable weakness of piety and religion are the principal cause of so many Christians self-identifying as communists, and as  Christian doctrine and the proper activity and practice of the Christian life are the strongest bulwark against atheism and materialism, pastors of souls and instructors of the youth should strive to educate the minds of the faithful so that they might not be troubled by any reasonable doubt nor by any commonly accepted social injustice"

Catechesis is to include a well-ordered and clear explanation of the social teaching that is contained in the treasury of Catholic doctrine."

"Bishops should strenuously and constantly defend the wise allocutions of the Popes regarding peace, regarding the principles by which a friendly companionship and harmony should be maintained between the social classes, and regarding the principles by which the less developed and poorer nations are to be aided, as opposed to a contented racism"


"Pastors of souls should take the greatest  care that all of the faithful be perfectly instructed in the catholic faith and in good morals, so that they will eschew egoistic and hedonistic individualism.

"Diligent care should be taken so that topics regarding the social doctrine of the Church, are ever more frequently studied in Catholic schools of all levels as lbligitary subjects, especially in ecclesiastical seminaries and in religious institutes."

Read all of this, my dear friends, and weep today for China and all that has gone before.  The entire schema is avaiable in  their archives:  "The Lost Condemnations of Communism of Vatican II" See below for lifesite address:

Best Source To Read All the Documents:



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